début mai 2022
Released december 2019 in coproduction with Standard In-Fi and Mental Groove.In 2015 Tanz Mein Herz welcome a new arrival among its ever-evolving roster of musicians, the self-taught hurdy-gurdy wizard Alexis Degrenier.
With a tour already in the works, the musicians settle on a set consisting of old material (Magical Stones and Shiny Mud) as well as new themes such as Spiegel Haus, both built around the new instrumentation.
The selection presented on Dosses is taken from the very first rehearsals around these themes, as the musicians strive and wander about freely in search of new musical vistas and promising friendship. With Ernest Bergez, Pierre Bujeau, Alexis Degrenier, Pierre-Vincent Fortunier, Guilhem Lacroux, Jeremie Sauvage and Mathieu Tilly.